Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little something for everyone

This morning we read about how God designed some things for maybe no other purpose then 

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing.
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable,
and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. 
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

so, we read on about Greece
and and looked at art.. 
and thought about creativity.....

( in the photo is a dreamy cupcake 
I knit up for my daughter's friend who had a birthday-
now, I need to make a half dozen for our house! 
the first of a few photos to add here about some of the
knitting projects
going on..)

then we thought of what to make for lunch
and thought of the health book we are reading -
which talks about eating "they way they used to"
good food.. healthy food..
which made us think of Heidi..
since she drank whole milk and ate lots of good
since that book was somewhere on our bookshelf
and I have not yet read it to my little girls..
we decided that once again God has directed
our school. We sank down into the couch
and soon were 
back in the days of Heidi this morning..
everyone is wondering why noone likes the
and who was this little girl? 


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