Monday, October 18, 2010

Banana bread!

It's the baking time of year for me.
I need new recipes badly. Healthy ones, frugal ones and ones my family will eat...
We missed out on previous plans for today.. so I am taking the time instead to nap  a child
and look for recipes. and good blogs that have good nutrition  If you are reading this you will benefit from my recipe search.. I will post what I find, that way I can find where I put it too...
banana bread; and this great looking blog


Courtney said...

I'm always looking for fun new recipes! Some of my favorite food blogs are:

If you know of any others, I'd love to hear about them!

Isaiah54mom said...

wow! thanks Courtney! I have a few of these in my google reader. Thank you, I will add some more! I am so glad to find out that you also try to cook this way, we need to talk about this on mondays! I hope your pregnancy is going well. I have thought of you.