Tuesday, August 17, 2010

not to worry...

As I read from Isaiah 40 today..
I was reminded that I don't have to be overwhelmed...
As I think about how to schedule the days trying to add elements from every aspect
in life.. nature, art, music, books, reading and writing and chores.. and meals and exercise!
I need to know that it will all work out.. and be wonderful!

He knows the weight of the mountains, he has measured the waters, by the way, who instructed Him? Who knows more then Him?  He has a strong hand and yet...

He gently leads those who are with young. 

 so, I will take a deep breath.. and begin each day knowing that He knows already- 

excited to see what we will learn in nature~art ~and for sure history~ this year- 

yesterday, my oldest daughter and I spent the whole day finishing projects for the county fair.
tonight we will see what the judges thought... we didn't get all done what we had hoped..and some of the big projects we had hoped to enter did not get done- it takes alot of time but, we learned some even in that.. I am amazed how much there is to learn in knitting and also crocheting...
she learned two new techniques on her crochet projects! Only means getting better and better!

Look for pictures after the fair...I will get some taken and up here then.

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