Tuesday, July 20, 2010

this is real knowledge

I was reading a portion of the chapter assigned for tomorrow's moms get together..
Little did I know that I really do share this same thought.. and always have, but.. haven't always put it into practice every day.. the days that I do, I am so glad..
I was encouraged... inspired ~ and really motivated to do exactly this.. So, I must share this and a picture or 2..  Be inspired too!

"(c) That the child should be taken daily, if possible, to scenes––moor or meadow, park, common, or shore––where he may find new things to examine, and so add to his store of real knowledge. That the child's observation should be directed to flower or boulder, bird or tree; that, in fact, he should be employed in gathering the common information which is the basis of scientific knowledge."

taken from- Charlotte Mason's Original Homeschooling Series. Volume One


melissa said...

beautiful pictures and a wonderful sentiment.

Unknown said...

Hey Sonia! Your photography is getting better and better! Looks like you guys are having a blast exploring nature. Looking forward to seeing you real soon!
Love ya

fruitfulvine said...

thanks for the needed reminder from Charlotte Mason! I love watching the littles thrive on nature that they discover themselves!