Friday, June 25, 2010

morning thoughts- from our great lake getway

Greetings from the north shore! We are on a mini vacation...
The kids don't care that it's rainy and hazy  and maybe a bit chilly outside..
The pool at the hotel is all they ever wanted in a vacation anyway..
watching my littlest guy toddle around with a big grin.. a toddler in the in baby pool, and giggles from the rest..who have been up since  6am to get all of the summers worth of swimming in..
Some day they will thank their parents for dragging them all over scenic by-ways, museums
and nature trails! Interestingly, we are at one of the great lakes..and if there is no way to get
out and show them today, there is an Imax movie "Mystery of the Great Lakes". And there is the aquarium,too..
so maybe not all a wasted day....
We like to be out in nature.. but we are glad that we are not campers.. Dh always comments how glad he is dry, over his morning  cup of coffee from the hotel.. just about everytime we venture out...
Tomorrow is supposed to be nice.. I hope to take some great pictures outdoors!
Off to find something to talk about on this day... 

1 comment:

melissa said...

i hope you have a wonderful holiday!
can't wait to see your fantastic pictures!!