Monday, May 31, 2010

Too much to miss

   I have been asked many times over this last weekend if 
     we will 
be ones that "school all through the summer"..
to which I don't know how exactly to reply.. So, I say "yes, we will...I am a mean mom, LOL!"
But, the real reason is this.. there is so much to learn that cannot be learned in the winter..
I don't want them to miss anything.. I want them to be observant, always noticing nature, looking for color,
action, and surprises.. I want them to LOVE to learn.. and to see each day as a learning
opportunity. I, myself,  am excited to see what we can find to learn about..

why stop now? 

I do not want them to shut off their brains, but to be ever mindful, to be a lifetime
learner..I am gleaning from this book ~ Charlotte Mason in Modern English Volume 1~

I am blessed to have a great husband who couldn't agree more with the 18 truths about children and learning on page one. And he looking forward to outings we have planned 
for the outdoors and also teaching  them to look around at nature... let's be a family that learns together..  More "Summer learning please".

A little guy stopped for a
visit on daddy's binoculars! 

                                      Have the camera ready at all times!

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