Tuesday, May 4, 2010

gardening starters.. please chime in!

 Just the fact that my sweet dh is researching 
something for me that 
I want to purchase. Maybe he will start to
share this hobby 
with me and we could have so much fun!

The sun is shining! 

and my kids are singing beautifully..to their praise CD
(shout to the Lord... let us sing....)

All to say..it's a great start for a tuesday!

And I have to say, that I could no longer stay
natural.. sometimes beauty is painful..
but, the kids said it's better!
Guess you'll have to ask for pics...

 Now to think about a garden and
to quickly get
at it.. what ever it is..
I have something sketched out 
that could look like a place to 

 Any advice for small gardens??

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