Tuesday, March 9, 2010

foggy, so what shall we do..

        I should have went out early this morning to capture the fog. It is gone now...
I love misty pictures. So this one will do for today. Since I personally didn't snap any..

It's one of those days anyway, it feel like the fog is indoors as well...
It is a story~ book day... 

I was busy getting a baby down for a morning nap (I sure could use one too, I feel I am not up to par  lately, I need a boost! and some sunshine!).. the other children are intensely listening to
Rudyard Kipling's How the leopard got his spots... (what a great story to listen to over and over)

We have lots more to sit down with today and read.. I'm getting my tea ready, figuring out lunch..
and some knitting to finish (not too late to finish winter projects, that they can still wear..pics later) as we dive into books.. ahhhhh..  perfect for a foggy wet day...

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